Your Privacy, Inc. takes your privacy very seriously. The following are some points to consider when using iDamage.

Since you will be accessing National Weather Service data, it is possible that your Internet Protocol (IP) address and the types and locations of weather information you have accessed will be recorded on their server logs. See:

for more information. (, Inc. is not affiliated with the National Weather Service)

iDamage also uses Google Maps. It is possible your IP address and locations viewed will be recorded on their servers. See:

for more information.

Similar data is recorded by us,, Inc. We will use this data to improve iDamage over time and develop exciting, new products. Additionally, to facilitate push notifications, an identifying token unique to your mobile device is stored on our server. This token contains no personal information or information regarding your location.

Finally, iDamage reports to Google Firebase which then makes available to us certain types of usage information. Much of this information is very general and combines statistics from a large number of customers (such as how many users have opened or removed the app, how many push notifications have been opened or dismissed, etc.). However, the "Crashlytics" module provides information about specific user devices in the event iDamage crashes. This information includes (among other parameters), the type of device involved, the operating system and, most importantly from our perspective, the error that caused the crash and the line number of the code on which it occurred. Without this information, it will be extremely difficult for us to fix bugs that degrade your user experience. Thank you for your understanding, and to learn more about Firebase please see:

If you would like for us to delete the data we have which relates to your use of iDamage, please email us.

For the, Inc. privacy policy see:

For our website terms of use see:

©2022, Inc.